Tanner Books
The Oxford University Press publishes a series of books based on the Berkeley Tanner Lectures on Human Values. Each volume includes the honored speaker’s lectures, the responses of three invited commentators, and the lecturer’s final rejoinder. These philosophical dialogues are introduced by the volume’s editor.
The Practice of Value (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
by Joseph Raz, R. Jay Wallace, Christine M. Korsgaard (Commentary), Robert Pippin (Commentary), Bernard Williams (Commentary)
Pleasure and Change: The Aesthetics of Canon (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
by Frank Kermode, Robert Alter, Geoffrey Hartmann (Commentary), John Guillory (Commentary), Carey Perloff (Commentary)
Another Cosmopolitanism: Hospitality, Sovereignty, and Democratic Iterations (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
by Seyla Benhabib, Robert Post, Bonnie Honig (Commentary), Will Kymlicka (Commentary), Jeremy Waldron (Commentary)
Reification: A New Look at an Old Idea (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
by Axel Honneth, Martin Jay, Judith Butler (Commentary), Raymond Geuss (Commentary), Jonathan Lear (Commentary)
Reconciling Our Aims: In Search of Bases for Ethics (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
by Allan Gibbard, Barry Stroud, Michael Bratman (Commentary), John Broome (Commentary), F.M. Kamm(Commentary)
On What Matters: Volume One & Volume Two (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
by Derek Parfit, Samuel Scheffler, Thomas Scanlon (Commentary), Susan Wolf (Commentary), Allen W. Wood (Commentary)
Death and the Afterlife (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
Samuel Scheffler, Niko Kolodny, Susan Wolf (Commentary), Harry Frankfurt (Commentary), and Seana Shiffrin (Commentary)
Dignity, Rank, and Rights (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
by Jeremy Waldron, Meir Dan-Cohen, Wai Chee Dimock (Commentary), Don Herzog (Commentary), Michael Rosen (Commentary)
The Trolley Problem Mysteries (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
F.M. Kamm, Eric Rakowski, Judith Jarvis Thomson (Commentary), Thomas Hurka (Commentary), and Shelly Kagan (Commentary)
The Weight of All Flesh: On the Subject-Matter of Political Economy (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
Eric Santner, Kevis Goodman, Bonnie Honig (Commentary), Peter Gordon (Commentary), and Hent de Vries (Commentary)
The Will to Punish (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
Didier Fassin, Christopher Kutz, Bruce Western (Commentary), Rebecca McLennan (Commentary), and David Garland (Commentary)
The Birth of Ethics (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
Philp Pettit, Kinch Hoekstra, Michael Tomasello (Commentary)
Democratic Law
Seana Valentine Shiffrin, Hannah Ginsborg, Niko Kolodny (Commentary), Richard R.W. Brooks (Commentary), Anna Stilz (Commentary)
Rules for Wrongdoers
Arthur Ripstein, Saira Mohamed, Oona A. Hathaway (Commentary), Christopher Kutz (Commentary), Jeff McMahan (Commentary)
For the People: Democratic Representation in America
Charles Beitz, Henry E. Brady, Martin Gilens (Commentary), Jane Mansbridge (Commentary), Pamela S. Karlan (Commentary)
Upcoming volumes in the series will present the lectures of Michael Warner, Philippe Descola and Rachel Barney.